Hey y’all! During this quarantine time, I have been BORED. Aside from booking new clients and keeping in contact with my current couples, once I finished editing my last elopement, BISH I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! Sure, I could blog or fix up my website or get more organized as a business, BUT WHO WANTS TO DO THAT???? So I started taking self portraits! My boyfriend Jake participates every day even though he actually has a job that he works every day (from home!) so we usually take our pictures during his lunch break! Feel free to check out the products of my boredom!

DAY ONE: I actually took like an entire hour, replacing all of the thing sin my shelf with plants and greenery and then I put on a wedding dress and my extensions and wrapped me and boyfriend with some SUPER uncomfortable star twinkle lights! (Like we actually got bruises from sitting on these uncomfy stars!) We shot for like an hour, and I really love how these pics turned out!

DAY TWO: For this one, I took down all of the maps that I had in my house and hung them on my shelf with my plants and a vintage suitcase. (Yes, Jake broke the suitcase by sitting on it haha) We ended up with a sort of old-timey vibe that I wasn’t really going for, but I loooooove my boyfriend in a bowtie!

DAY THREE: Jake is seriously wondering if I’m going to be making this an everyday thing (The answer is yes!) and he very obediently kneels behind this weird plant, macrame frame I have created. This actually took a very long time to set up even though it definitely doesn’t look like it! It was definitely a balance act to try and get all of my plants to balance on the table in front of us!

DAY FOUR: Today I hauled all of my plants into the bathroom. This is actually my dream, and I wish that I could keep this many plants in our bathroom at all time! I ran a bubble bath for us with dawn soap because I didn’t have any actual bubbles, and we grabbed some wine and jumped in! This one was actually pretty hard because I use my phone as a remote and I kept almost dropping it in the water! (I don’t have a new iphone, and mine would definitely die in the water)

DAY FIVE: Back in the bathroom! now the plants are all taped above the mirror and framing it for us. (My poor plant babies!) We ran the shower to fog up the mirror and got wayyyyyyy too sweaty trying to take the fog pic!

DAY SIX: Okay yes. As you can see, all of the plants are now in the kitchen. We made breakfast together today just like usual, just with a lot more making out than usual! (Also, my leg is covered in flour and looks crusty af haha.) Then we spent like 30 minutes feeding each other for photos and just ended up throwing things in each other’s mouths!

DAY SEVEN: We’re back in the bathroom! This time with all of my twinkle lights! My sister literally asked if we filled the tub with water BECAUSE SHE THINKS THAT I AM AN IDIOT, and NO, we did not. The video of these pics got taken down from tiktok for going against the guidelines, even though we’re definitely not naked in these pics!

DAY EIGHT: All of the plants are now in the dining room. These pics were so fun to take, and are some of my favorites so far! Also, the hanging plants are hanging from my poor kitty’s window shelf and she was not happy about us borrowing it!

DAY NINE: Here we are in our bedroom! Yes, Jake is wearing underwear with my face on it! Haha don’t ask! Also mirror photos on tiktok are becoming a big thing so we obviously had to take a few of those!

DAY TEN: This time I hung up a sheet in our living room and framed it with my painful star twinkle lights. I actually tried to get our projector to shine something up on the screen, but NOPE. That doesn’t work during the day apparently. These still turned out cute though. I tried and failed to create some fake bangs as well.

DAY ELEVEN: Finally got the projector to work!

DAY TWELVE: This time I hauled all of the plants to this corner. We purchased this hanging chair for fifty bucks so I obviously had to cover it in lights and plants and take pics with it. What else is a photographer to do?

DAY THIRTEEN: Lunch date on the porch. This is the first shoot that I have actually put on shoes for! Also my next door neighbors came out and stared at us and get saying how we “gave her hope”. Okay, thank you, please stop staring now. Also this is my guitar that Jake definitely cannot play haha.

DAY FOURTEEN: I sprayed water on our window for some rain faker than Ariana Grande’s ponytail. Yes, once again, the neighbors watched.

DAY FOURTEEN: I’m too scared to attempt facetime sessions, but I wanted to still try my hand at it. These photos were very complicated to take and required way too many phones. do not recommend.

DAY FIFTEEN: Afternoon lighting is my new favorite thing. So are braids and my boyfriend in jeans.

DAY SIXTEEN: WE VENTURED OUT INTO THE WORLD TODAY! And it sucked. We drove around Green Lake until we found a place where NO ONE WAS. (Who wants people staring when you’re taking pics????) and we finally found one. So we set up our tripod, set the focus, get all ready to go, and PRESS START. So my camera is set to take one photo every 2 seconds for 60 seconds. WITHIN THAT TIME, three adults and a WHOLE HERD of children ride up on bikes and start a soccer game, AROUND US!!!! THE CUTE COUPLE CLEARLY TAKING PHOTOS!!! There was no one around and then we press go and BAM a whole ass soccer team just APPEARS and begins to play their game around the tree as if it was their middle school soccer field. I DON’T UNDERSTAND. WHO DOES THAT????

DAY SEVENTEEN: For this shoot, we were sitting HALF NAKED inside of our doorway, but what you can’t see is that our neighbor is standing 4 feet away, telling us about the latest book he is reading. YES PERCY JACKSON WAS GREAT, BUT WE’RE CLEARLY IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING HERE! He didn’t get the hint.

DAY EIGHTEEN: I’m back in the dress from the first photoshoot and this time I dragged our hanging chair out to the porch and set it up in the garden. Luckily, the neighbors left us alone, BUT we ended up tipping over and FALLING ONTO THE GROUND. We’re pros though and we didn’t get hurt and kept shooting!

DAY NINETEEN: My mom’s dog had puppies! We obviously had to do a shoot with them! My mom and dad are our quarantine buddies so we see them (and only. them!) like once a week or so and mostly stay outside. These puppies are sooooooo cute and snuggly and aren’t even walking yet, so it was so funny seeing them squirm around and army crawl to get around!

DAY TWENTY: Kitchen concert. Trust me, Jake enjoyed my singing more than Purrot did haha. Also yes, my plants are back in the kitchen again! This time they’re taped to the counter!

DAY TWENTY ONE: Okay we actually used out drone to take these in our living room which I DO NOT RECOMMEND. It was actually so scary flying our drone in our little living room, but I just wanted to get a new angle!

DAY TWENTY TWO: Yep, the plants are back. This time they’re covering my cat tree and hopefully camouflaging it a little bit. Yes, once again, Jake is serenading me with his nonexistent guitar skills.

DAY TWENTY THREE: We walked around the neighborhood for like an hour today gathering fallen flowers and greenery to use for this shoot. At one point, I taped some of them to my face, but those absolutely did not turn out lol. Also Jake insisted on having flowers in his hair like me so he has one too!

DAY TWENTY FOUR: The chair is back. The guitar is back. The plants are back. But this time, there’s lights!! And candles!! And pampas grass!! Haha its the little things.

DAY TWENTY FIVE: This time we waited until day to take pics and we went up onto our roof to capture some photos at night! I was super paranoid the whole time for NO reason, but I kept feeling like the security was watching us on the cameras or something. Also This is my hat, but Jake wears it and calls it his “hipster hat”.

DAY TWENTY SIX: This photo almost killed me. It almost did. I was inspired by Zayn and Gigi Hadid’s vogue shoot back in 2016, and I don’t understand how the heck Gigi did this!! She’s a gymnast for sure! I had to have Jake grab my feet and pull me up into a handstand and this slide under me to get the shot because I was incapable of doing it!

DAY TWENTY SEVEN: I was inspired by Brandon Woeffel and I murdered a pillow and surrounded my mirror with lights and fluff! It was actually super uncomfortable to be lying on this mirror, but ya know, anything for the shot!

DAY TWENTY EIGHT: This time we set up a sheet and took some cute pics under it! My hair, you guys! It was sooooo staticcy under the sheet and my hair was literally sticking to everythingggggg. It also got super hot under the sheet so we were dying after like ten minutes!

DAY TWENTYNINE: Today I used the same murdered pillow and spread its guts on my window. I used some aerosol atmosphere spray to give me a more “heaveny” feel and had like 3 minutes to take pics before the clouds came unstuck and fell off the window!

DAY THIRTY: Today we took a bunch of Polaroids of each other for our self portraits. is that meta? Taking photos of ourselves taking photos of ourselves?? That feels meta to me!

DAY THIRTY ONE: We ventured out into the world for the second time for photos. This time we set up a cute picnic on the side of the road and had some fun hanging out there until the sun went down! We got a tonnnnnn of weird looks from people that drove by on the road that I THOUGHT was a pretty dead neighborhood. APPARENTLY NOT haha!

DAY THIRTY TWO: We grabbed my skateboard and headed out to the street….and then headed back inside because there were drug dealers out there. cool cool cool. Out to the porch we went! I actually have had this skateboard since I was thirteen and still can do a few tricks from my skateboard days!

DAY THIRTY THREE: Here we are out on the porch again! The flowering plant thing finally decided to bloom so we headed out there to take advantage of it! There’s not a ton of room in our flower bed haha, so we’re a little squished in here!

DAY THIRTY FOUR: Glitterrrrrrrrrrr!!! Today I covered me and jake’s face in glitter (yes i have the best boyfriend ever!) and she took some cute glitter-freckle photos! it was actually so hard to get these things off and I now have glitter everywhere in my entire house.

DAY THIRTY FIVE: Today I taped a newspaper to the wall and covered the floor in newspaper! It literally took like an hour to do, but I think it turned out so cool! I used my flash for lighting because I was in a dark area of my kitchen. Not my ideal lighting situation, but this was the only wall in my house that would work!

DAY THIRTY SIX: Today i set up a picnic on our porch. I moved every single plant that I own out there to make my porch look cuter, and I made us a cheese plate on a piece of driftwood. Highly recommend. The neighbors were all watching because it was the evening and we were apparently the most interesting thing going on.

DAY THIRTY SEVEN: Today we went on a hike! Our secret to avoiding crowds is to go pretty late in the evening when everyone is already done hiking. Haha we WOULD get up early to avoid people, but….we hate getting up early.

DAY THIRTY EIGHT: Today we ventured out into our vehicle for our shoot. Our car is pretty small, but we go on all of our adventures in it so I’m glad that we were able to capture some photos in a place that we have so many memories in!

DAY THIRTY NINE: Here we are, back in the shower! We went for a little black and white grungier vibe this time, and yes, its suuuuuuuper fun getting into a shower with your clothes on. Livin’ the dream lol.

DAY FORTY: Today I taped up all of our polaroids to the wall behind us and we had another little polaroid photoshoot!
These are SO MUCH FUN. You guys nailed it. My husband and I tried to do self-portraits TWICE. We ended up with one good picture and a lot of frustration lol. Amazing job you guys!
OK, I’m OBSESSED with all of these shoots!!! You guys are the cutest and you’re so creative and talented!!! Self portraits are freaking HARD so the fact that you have so many amazing ones is seriously impressive. Also, LOLed hard about the twinkle lights in the bathtub!!!
This just ended me. I will no longer call myself a creative because woman, YOU ARE CREATIVE. Holy cow. I spent tons of time reading the story behind each post because your voice is so clear and relatable. And, oh yeah, funny. As a fellow cat mom it was fun to see Purrot in a few. My fiancé would sadly never consent to these types of shoots – way to go, Jake!
OH MY GOSH! So inspiring. My first thought: your bf must REALLY love you ahahahah this is so so amazing, and I’m blown away by how creative you are!
Ummmm the fact that these are all self portraits is SO impressive!!! What a fun way to document this wild time!
Ummmmm I can’t wait to read this in depth and soak it all in. I’m so impressed by your talent and your dedication to documenting this time! You are a selfie QUEEEEEN!
This is absolutely brilliant! I especially love the cell phone photos, the bathtub twinkle lights, the old timey vibes, the newspaper shots, the flowers, and of course all of the plants and macrame! It’s cool to see how your ideas evolved over 40 days. You kept reinventing and reimagining how to take self portraits. You are a genius! This is so artistic and creative! Jake is such a good sport, too 🙂
Okay, your creativity in these is mind-blowing! The ideas just kept coming and getting better every single time! I could see you got into a really creative groove with them and really started thinking outside of the box! These images are so special for you to have and I am SO inspired to take some of my own. Wow, just wow. You are so talented!!!