Brittney and Michael met up with me in the Olympic National Park to hike one of my favorite hikes! There were like a billion daisies in the field by the lake though, so before the hike, we ran around in the daisy field! Daisies are one of those flowers that LOOK really cute, but like, don’t smell really cute, ya know? Haha we definitely found that out this day and now I definitely don’t suggest ever giving one of them a good sniff. Or having a bouquet of them. Maybe try a better smelling flower.

So Brittney and Michael met through mutual friends way back. They had actually gone to the same hs, but had never met! They didn’t even speak to each other until 5 years after high school! One day Brittney was invited to a friend’s birthday party, and she decided to go even though she hadn’t even talked to this friend in forever. As fate would have it, she decided that it would be fun so she headed to the party. and THAT’S where she met Michael! Even though she had a boyfriend at the time, her and Michael hit it off and bonded over their mutual love for music, sharks and Pizza. They couldn’t get each other off of their minds, and a year later, they finally got together!

Brittney and Michael had never done this hike, so they were in for a fern-y, cedar-y treat. The tallass trees and the jurassic-like ferns make this place look like magical, fairy forest. We hiked up to the waterfall and hung out under the spray for a while, climbing on rocks and logs and probably photobombing so many tourists instagram photos. Brittney was fearless, climbing all over the place in tread-less shoes and scaring me to death! We headed back to the lake for sunset, hiking through the trees as the sun was going down (don’t watch a horror film that takes place in the woods before you do this hike in the dark! Just a hint.) We made it to the lake for sunset, and we watched as the sun painted colors on the water and surrounding trees.

If I were the kind of person to be sappy, I would have so many sappy things to say about these guys. They’re so sweet and perfect together. They’re so funny and kind. They’re the kind of people that you should be like, and they have the kind of connection that everyone should want to have. (Kay, that’s all the sap I have in me)
